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  • The Secret Weapon for Boosting Gut Health?

The Secret Weapon for Boosting Gut Health?

Desiccated Organ Supplements

Introduction to Gut Health

The gut microbiome refers to the trillions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that reside in the gastrointestinal tract. These microbes play a crucial role in overall health by influencing digestion, immunity, mood, inflammation and more. Maintaining a balanced gut microbiome is essential for optimal wellbeing. Gut health refers to the proper functioning and balance of these gut microbes.

Good gut health provides a strong digestive system, healthy immune function, reduced inflammation and protection against chronic diseases. When the gut microbiome becomes imbalanced from factors like poor diet, stress or medications, it can lead to weakened immunity, nutritional deficiencies, digestive issues and even autoimmune disorders.

Optimising gut health should be a top priority. Research shows that an unhealthy gut microbiome is linked to a wide range of health conditions including irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, diabetes, autism, depression and anxiety. Supporting a diverse community of beneficial gut bacteria provides a strong foundation for whole-body health.

Signs of Poor Gut Health

The gut is home to trillions of bacteria that play an important role in overall health. When gut health is compromised, it can lead to digestive issues and problems in other areas of the body. Some common signs of poor gut health include:

Bloating and Gas Excessive gas and bloating after eating meals is one of the most common symptoms of poor gut health. This occurs when the balance of gut bacteria is disrupted, causing improper digestion and fermentation of foods. The gas gets trapped in the intestines, leading to a swollen and uncomfortable abdomen.

Constipation or Diarrhea Constipation means infrequent or difficult bowel movements, while diarrhea is loose and watery stools. Both conditions indicate your gut is not functioning properly. Constipation can be from inadequate fiber, poor hydration, or sluggish motility. Diarrhea is often from inflammation, infections, or food sensitivities.

Nutrient Deficiencies The gut lining is responsible for absorbing essential vitamins and minerals from food. When it becomes damaged from inflammation or permeability, you may become deficient in iron, vitamin B12, magnesium, and other nutrients. This can lead to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and problems with blood counts.

Autoimmune Conditions There is a strong link between autoimmune diseases like celiac, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and a leaky gut. When undigested food particles and bacteria leak out from a compromised gut lining, it triggers the immune system to attack the body’s own tissues. Healing the gut is an important part of managing autoimmunity.

Causes of Poor Gut Health

Poor gut health can be caused by several factors including: -

Unhealthy Diet - Eating a diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. This allows harmful bacteria to overgrow, causing inflammation and damage to the gut lining. -

Stress - Chronic stress impacts gut function and can alter gut microbiota composition. This can increase intestinal permeability, allowing bacteria and toxins to enter the bloodstream. -

Medications - Antibiotics kill off beneficial bacteria along with the harmful ones, upsetting the delicate balance in the gut. Long-term antibiotic use can wipe out strains of probiotics needed for digestion. -

Environmental Toxins - Things like pollution, pesticides, mold toxins, and heavy metals accumulate in the body and can impair gut function. This stresses the immune system and causes inflammation.

Benefits of Improving Gut Health

A healthy gut provides numerous benefits throughout the body and mind. Some key advantages of having good gut health include:

Better digestion and absorption - A well-functioning gastrointestinal system is able to properly break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. Proper digestion and absorption ensures you get the vitamins, minerals, and other compounds your body needs.

Improved immunity - Over 70% of the immune system is located in the gut. When the gut microbiome is balanced, your immune cells are signaled to properly respond to pathogens. A healthy gut helps boost immune function.

Reduced inflammation - Intestinal inflammation and leaky gut syndrome can trigger systemic inflammation linked to autoimmune disorders, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Healing the gut lining and restoring good bacteria reduces inflammatory compounds.

Better mood and mental health - There is a strong gut-brain connection. An unhealthy gut microbiome has been associated with anxiety, depression, brain fog, and poor sleep. Optimizing gut health can help improve mental wellbeing and cognitive function. ## Dietary Ways to Improve Gut Health The health of your gut is closely tied to the foods you eat. Making smart dietary choices is one of the most effective ways to improve gut health naturally. Here are some key dietary strategies: -

Eat more fiber - Fiber nourishes healthy gut bacteria and promotes regular bowel movements. Aim for 25-30 grams of fiber per day from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. -

Consume probiotic foods - Probiotic foods contain live microorganisms that replenish healthy gut bacteria. Examples include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and fermented foods. -

Reduce sugar intake - Too much sugar feeds unhealthy bacteria and can damage gut lining. Limit added sugars by avoiding processed foods, sweetened beverages, and excessive fruit juice. -

Avoid processed foods - Heavily processed foods lack fiber and live probiotics. They also contain chemical additives that may irritate the gut. Choose fresh, whole foods whenever possible. Making these simple dietary changes can dramatically improve the balance and diversity of microbes in your gut, enhancing your overall health and wellbeing. Focus on fiber-rich plant foods, fermented probiotic foods, and limit sugar intake from processed sources. ##

Role of Probiotics in Gut Health

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed. They help improve gut health by restoring the natural balance of bacteria in the digestive system. Some key ways probiotics benefit gut health include: -

  • Enhancing the gut barrier and preventing pathogens and toxins from leaking through a permeable gut lining. This helps reduce inflammation. -

  • Modulating immune system function. Probiotics interact with immune cells and promote a balanced immune response. -

  • Improving digestion and nutrient absorption. Probiotics assist in breaking down food and absorbing vitamins and minerals. -

  • Producing vitamins and nutrients. Some probiotic strains create B vitamins, vitamin K, and short-chain fatty acids that support overall health. -

  • Preventing overgrowth of harmful bacteria. Probiotics keep populations of bad bacteria like Clostridium difficile in check.

The best probiotic strains for gut health tend to come from two main genera - Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Specific strains with research behind their efficacy include: -

  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus -

  • Lactobacillus plantarum -

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus -

  • Bifidobacterium bifidum -

  • Bifidobacterium longum -

  • Bifidobacterium breve

Selecting a probiotic supplement with a diversity of well-studied strains can provide maximum benefit for improving and maintaining a healthy gut.

Introducing Dessicated Organ Supplements

Dessicated organ supplements are dried and powdered animal organs that are consumed in capsule or powder form. These supplements provide concentrated nutrition from organs like liver, heart, kidney, spleen, and adrenal glands. There are two main types of dessicated organ supplements: -

  • Bovine supplements - Derived from cows, these are the most common. Bovine liver, heart, kidney, spleen, and adrenal extracts provide a rich source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients to support overall health. -

  • Porcine supplements - Derived from pigs, these can also provide nutritional benefits but are less common due to religious dietary restrictions. Dessicated organ supplements from grass-fed cows offer unique benefits for gut health. The nutrient-dense organs provide compounds that support digestion and a healthy microbiome: -

  • Vitamin A - This fat-soluble vitamin supports immune function in the gut lining and promotes a balanced microbiome. Liver is an excellent source. -

  • Vitamin B12 - Needed for digestive enzyme production and gut barrier integrity. Highest in liver and kidney. -

  • Iron - Helps maintain intestinal lining and prevents leaky gut. Highest in liver. -

  • Zinc - Supports immune cells in the gut and probiotic bacteria. Found in all organs. -

  • CoQ10 - An antioxidant that may ease inflammation in the gut. Highest in heart, kidney and liver. -

  • Glutathione - The body's master antioxidant, which improves gut barrier function. Highest in liver.

By providing a spectrum of micronutrients, dessicated organ supplements can play an important role in supporting overall gut health.

Benefits of Bovine Supplements

Bovine supplements made from grass-fed cows offer unique benefits for gut health due to their rich probiotic profile, support of microbiome diversity, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Rich in Probiotics The stomachs and intestines of grass-fed cows contain a dense and diverse community of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. When consumed in supplement form, these probiotics can seed the human gut with a wide array of microbes that promote optimal gut function. Bovine supplements provide probiotic strains not found in typical probiotic supplements, allowing for greater microbiome enrichment.

Supports Microbiome Diversity Related to their high probiotic content, bovine supplements can increase the overall diversity of microbes in the gut microbiome. This microbiome diversity is a key marker of gut health, as a diverse community of microbes confers resilience and allows the microbiome to perform its full range of metabolic, immune, and digestive functions. The broad spectrum of probiotics in bovine supplements helps populate the gut with microbes to cover all the bases.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects The complex blend of nutrients and microbes in bovine supplements has been shown to reduce inflammation in the gut and throughout the body. This anti-inflammatory activity can help soothe conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, leaky gut, and autoimmune disorders that involve gut inflammation. The probiotics and nutrients in bovine supplements regulate inflammatory pathways and promote tissue healing. ## Choosing Quality Supplements When selecting a dessicated organ supplement for gut health, it's important to choose a high-quality product. Here are some key things to look for: -

Grass-fed, pasture-raised cows: The nutrients and health benefits are much greater when cows are allowed to graze on pasture and eat their natural diet. Supplements from grass-fed cows contain higher levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats. -

No added hormones or antibiotics: Cows treated with hormones and antibiotics can pass on traces into their organs. Choosing supplements from cows raised without these additives is much healthier. -

Third party testing: Reputable supplement companies will voluntarily submit their products for independent third party testing. This verifies the ingredients match what's listed on the label and ensures safety standards are met. -

Cold processing: Some organ supplements use a high heat rendering process that can damage nutrients. Quality supplements use a minimal cold processing method to preserve more nutrients. Choosing a supplement from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows without hormones or antibiotics, that's third party tested and cold processed provides the best results. High quality bovine organ supplements offer a natural way to support gut health.


Optimizing gut health is one of the most important things we can do to support overall wellbeing. As discussed, poor gut health can lead to digestive issues, inflammation, weakened immunity, and problems throughout the body. Taking steps to improve the gut microbiome pays dividends through enhanced digestion, absorption of nutrients, immune function, and more. Eating a diet rich in fiber, fermented foods, and probiotic-containing items provides the foundation. Adding high-quality supplements like bovine organ supplements can provide further targeted support. These dessicated supplements provide concentrated nutrition and compounds that nourish the gut lining and promote a diversity of beneficial microbes. When making gut health a priority through diet, lifestyle, and strategic supplementation, we set ourselves up for improved vitality and resilience. Protecting and promoting a healthy microbiome and optimally functioning digestive system is one of the wisest investments we can make in our overall health.